Early Land Entries from the Ocoee District
We continue listings from the early land entries (1838 - 1903) which began in the February (2003) Quarterly. Further information about the claims may be obtained from microfilm RG-50 Series 2, Rolls No. 18 - 22 available form the Tennessee State Library and Archives, at 403 7th Ave. N., Nashville, TN 37243-0312, or visit their website at <http://www.state.tn.us/sos/statelib/pubsus/by_mail.htm> If you wish to know the acreage, type, location, date, and amount your ancestor paid for the land, just send a simple request and SASE to PCHGS and we will be glad to send that information to you.
Grigsby, Lilburn
Grisham, James
Grissum, Richard
Guffey, Thomas
Gunter, Reuben
Hagler, A. W.
Hagler, George
Hague, R.E.
Haire, James A.
Hale, Lewis
Hale, William
Hall, Ignatius
Hall, John
Hall, Joseph
Hall, Lewis
Hall, W. D.
Hambright, Amos
Hambright, Ann
Hambright, Eliza
Hambright, F. R.
Hambight, John
Hambright, Melesa
Hamilton, Joshua H.
Hammond, William
Hancock, William W.
Haney, Emanuel
Haney, Herekiah
Haney, Hiram
Hannah, John F.
Hannah, Samuel W.
Hannars, Avary
Hardin, Amos
Hardin, Isaac
Hargis, G. W.
Harper, Martin
Harris, George C.
Harris, Hilliard
Harris, Nathan
Harris, Sarah Ann
Harvey, Dudley
Harvey, John
Harvey, Jonathan
Harvey, Lemuel
Harvey, N. L.
Harvey, Thomas G.
Harvey, William
Harwood, Zachariah
Haskins, David C.
Hatfield, Hardy
Havens. Charles
Hawkins, Benjamin
Hawkins, James
Hawkins, Joseph
Hawkins, Michael
Hawley, Thomas C.
Hayes, John T.
Hayes, William
Haynes, Laxarus
Haynes, William
Hayse, John G.
Hedgecock, David E.
Hellums, John
Henderson, J. W .C.
Henderson, W. D.
Henley, Abner H.
Henley, James M.
Henry, James M.
Henry, William W.
Hess, Mary
Hester, Abraham
Hicks, John
Higgins, Enoch
Higgins, William
Hildebrand, Michael
Hill, Bird
Hill, Robert W.
Hiwassee Railroad Co.
Hixon, William
Holaway, William
Homer, Lucy
Hood, Martha
Hood, Robert
Hooper, Absalom
Hooper, Andrew
Hooper, Enos. C.
Hopper Augustus
House, George W.
Hoser, Joseph
Housley, G. W.
Houston, Mathew
Howard, John P.
Howard, Samuel
Howard, William
Howell, Michael
Hoyal, John
Hudson, Clinton
Huffaker, Christian
Huffaker, Isaac
Hughes, E. W.
Hughes, John
Hughes, Josiah
Hughes, Leander
Hughes, Pryor
Hughes, L. Heirs (Act of ‘54)
Humbard, Arthur
Humbard, Elizabeth
Humbo, William
Humphries & Miller
Hunter, Samuel
Hutchison, Charles, Jr.
Hutson, Amstead
Hyten, Anderson,
Igou, John
Igou, Samuel T.
Inman, Benjamin R.
Irvin, George
Irvin, William
Isabel, Benjamin
Jackson, Archibld
Jackson, Richard C.
Jackson, Thomas
Jamison, Benjamin
Jamison, Eliza
Jarnagin, William
Jenkins, David
Job, Joshua
Johnson, A. H.
Johnson, Asahel
Johnson, Campbell
Johnson, Daniel
Johnson, James M.
Johnson, Jerimiah
Johnson, John H.
Johnson, Joseph A.
Johnson, M. F.
Johnson, Madison B.
Johnson, Robert C.
Johnson, Samuel H.
Johnson, Samuel M.
Johnson, Scot
Johnson, T. C.
Johnson, Thomas
Johnson, William
Johnson, Willie B.
Johnson, Zacheriah
Johnston, Andrew H.
Johnston, Elizabeth H.
Johnston, James M.
Johnston, James A.
Johnston, John H.
Johnston, Joseph A.
Johnston, Josiah
Johnston, Madisan B.
Johnston, Robert M.
Johnston, Samuel H.
Johnston, Samuel M.
Johnston, William B.
Jones, Abrham
Jones, Benjamin F.
Jones, Jesse F.
Jones, Richard
Jones, Stephen
Jones, Thomas
Jordan, A. P. H.
Julian, Geore
Julian, Samuel
Julin, Marcina
Karr, William, Jr.
Keith, C. F.
Keith, Charles
Keith, Zechariah
Kelly, John
Kelly, William C.
Kelly, William J.
Kennedy, Allen
Kenendy, John C.
Keith Smyth Co.
Killingsworth, Isaac
Kincanon, Andrew
Kincannon, F.
King’s Point Town Co.
King, Adam
King, Ele
King, Samuel
Kinzy, William
Knox, David L
Lacy, Allen
Lad, Bayless E.
Ladd, Constant
Lain, John M.
Lambert, John
Lane, Daniel
Lane, Lindsey
Lane Pleasant W.
Lane, Samuel A.
Lanefelt, Jacob
Langley, John C.
Langston, Martin
Larrison, John F.
Lauderdale, James
Lawson, Housan
Lawson, Isham
Lawson, John F.
Lawson, Nelson
Lawson, Reynolds
Lawson, Russell
Lea, Caswell
Lea, Francis W.
Lea, James A.
Lea, Pleasant J.
Lea, Pleasant M.
Lea, Wm. Park
Legg, Merdith W.
Lemerick, David
Lenoir, A. S.
Lenoir, Thomas
Leopard, Benjamin
Lesly, James
Lesly, Thomas
Lewis, Alfred
Lewis, David
Lewis, Rezin
Lillard, Abraham
Lillard, D. F.
Lillard, Jeremiah
Lillard, Luther
Lindsay, Anna M.
Lingerfelt, Jacob
Littleton, Mark
Locke, Thomas J.
Loftes, Joseph
Login, John
Long, Alexander
Long, Harry
Long, Isaac
Long, John P.
Longley, Andrew J.
Longley, James
Lovel, Leon
Low, John
Low, William C.
Lowrey, Thomas
Lusk, Hugh B.
Lusk, Joseph
Lusk, Josiah
Lutteell, Caswell C.
Lutrell, George
Maberry, Reese
Maberry, Yrapts
Maddux, Adam
Maddux, Nathaniel
Magill, Hugh
Mahan, Alexander
Mahon, Robert S.
Mahoney, Philip
Manas. George
Manker, J. J.
Martin, Isaac
Martin, John
Martin, P. P.
Martin, R. K.
Martin, Thomas
Martin, Travner
Masey, Nancy
Mason, Seba
Mason, Selah
Maston, John B.
Maston, P. T.
Maston, R. K.
Maston, T. W.
Maston, Thomas
Maston, John B.
Mathes, Pleasant
Mathis, Elijah
Matlock, Jason
Matlock, John
Matthews, John
Mayfield, James
Mays, James
McAllister, James
McAndrew, William
McBrian, Richard
McBride, Pleasant
McCaleb, Andrew
McCaleb, Samuel
McCallie, John R.
McCallie, Thomas
McCamy, A. C.
McCamy, James
McCamy, Samuel
McCarty, John L.
McCarty, Thomas
McCasland. Stephen
McClain, Austin D.
McClary, Robert W.
McClary, Thomas R.
McClelland, John
McCombs, Sheldrake
McConnell, Samuel W.
McCormick, William F.
McCoy, Neal
McCuley, D.
McCullugh, Alexander
McDaniel, John
McDaniel, William
McDermit, William P.
McDonel, William
McElrath, H. D.
McFarland, Hamders
McFarland, Thomas
McGee, George
McGhee, John
McGhee, Nehemiah H.
McGhee, Willie B.
McGwin, Edward
McGwin, Edward
McHenry, Robert
McJukin, Daniel
McJunkin, Elizabeth
McJunkin, John B.
McJunkin, Samuel
McKamy, James
McKamy, Samuel
McKamy, W. H.
McKeehan, Sandlow
McKissack, Abraham
McLeod, Lafayett
McMillan, Joseph W.
McMillan, William H.
McMinn, John
McMinn, Joseph
McNabb, Alfred W.
McNabb, David
McNabb, Robert
McNutt, Joel
McNut, Peter
McNutt, Thomas
McPherson, John
McReynolds, John
McReynolds, James
McSpadden, Joseph
McSpadden, Samuel
McSpadden, Stewart
McWilliams, J. W.
McWilliams, Wm.
Mee, John
Mee, Joseph R.
Melton, David
Melton, William P.
Meredith, Cyrus B.
Meroney, Augustus D.
Mesimer, Thomas
Mesony, A. D.
Millaway, John T.
Miller, Jonathan
Miller, O. W.
Miser Isaasc
Mitchell, Henry
Mitchell, Ples.
Mitchell, R. D.
Mitchell, Samuel L.
Mitchell, William
Mizer, Elijah
Mizer Michael
Montgomery George
Moon, Jonas
Moon, L. T.
Moon, William
Moore, Col. N.M. L.
Moore, Daniel
Moore, Gen. A. J.
Moore, Gov. G. W.
Moore, Jesse C.
Moore, Jonas
Moore, Littleberry
Moore, Nathaniel D.
Moore, Sarah
Moore, Thomas A.
Moorland, John
Morris, Jesse
Morris, Shadrick C.
Morrison, Joe L.
Morrison, M. L.
Morrison, Robert
Moses, Samuel
Moss, David
Mount, John
Mountcastle, George
Mueller, E.
Muler, Lemuel
Muncy, Benjamin
Minford Elisha J.
Murdock, William C.
Murphy, James B.
Murphy, Zachariah
Nance, John
Narmore, John
Nashville University
Neil, John D.
Nelson, Geore
Nelson, M. M.
Nelson, R.M.
Newton, James
Nicholson, Lucretia
Norman, John
Nowlin, Hardin
O’Kelly, Francis
Oaters George W.
Oatts, Sarah
Obar, Clark
Odell, John
O’Donnald, Frederick
O’Donnell, Isaac W. H.
O’Neal, John L.
Ooslow, Polly
Ooten, George W.
Orr, Robert
Orr, William
Osborn, Lewis
Osment, John
Oxford, Jonathan
Palmer, Thomas
Paris, Moses
Park, Thomas J.
Parker, Aaron H.
Parker, Elisha
Parker, Evan
Parker, George T.
Parker, John I.
Parker, Preston
Parker, Allen
Parkerson, Peter
Parks, James
Parks, Paul
Parks, Samuel
Parmentier, Rosine M.
Parmley, Stephen
Parsons, James
Patterson, Thomas G.
Patty, Benjamin
Payne, Nancy
Peal, Thomas
Pearce, Edmond
Pearce, Thornton G.
Pearce, William
Peck, Elliot
Pelham, Edward
Pendegrass, J. (Mill Q)
Penick, Henry
Perry, Alexander
Pettit, Benjamin
Pettit, Gideon
Pettit, James
Pettit, Thomas
Pettit, William P.
Paris, Robert H.
Phariss, John
Phariss, Robert H.
Piburn, Riley
Pickens, J. R.
Pickens, John
Pickens, Robert
Pierce, Robert
Pierce, William
Plowman, Jacob
Plowman, Thomas, H.
Polk County Commission
Pollard, Winston
Potts, Amps
Powell, A. T.
Powell, Scott
Paynor, William
Presly, John
Prever, Huey
Price, Ephriam
Price, Henry
Price, John E.
Price, Josiah S.
Price, Richard
Price, William
Priddy, Davis
Priddy, Tinsley
Prince, Ephriam
Prince, J.E.
Price, Josiah
Prock. John
Prosser, William B.
Prowell, A. T.
Prowell, Sampson H.
Pruit, Alvy
Pryor, Green H.
Pursselley, Alexander
Pyburn, Thomas L.
Ragan, D (Mill Q)
Ragon, David
Ragon, Eli
Ragsdale, Benjamin
Ramsey, Edmond
Ramsey, Lewis
Ramsey, R. J.
Ramsey, R. R.
Randolph, Robert
Rankin, David
Raper, James L.
Raper, James S.
Raper, Johm M.
Rawlings, A. M.
Rawlings, Aaron
Rawlings, Daniel
Rawlings, R. M.
Rawlings, Rozen M.
Ray, William J.
Rayl, William
Read, James P.
Reagan, David
Regan, Eli