Taken from microfilmroll # 24 MF 2726 (TN State Library & Archives)
Ed. note: Volunteers at the History Branch of the Cleveland Public Library have transcribed and published the TN Vital Stats from 1914-1936. However, to our knowledge the earlier ones printed here have not been published, probably due to the fact that so little information is given and the large number of infant mortalities.
The cause of death is transcribed, 'as is' - those are not typos.
AKIN, Helena L. age 1yr 3mos 29days b. Copperhill, TN d. Jan. 29, 1910 (pneumonia) #69217
ALLEN Jamie age 1 month b Polk Co., TN d. June 3, 1909 (NK) # 69262
ALLEN, Minnie age 1 month b. Polk Co., TN d. May 20, 1909 NK # 69263
AMBURN, E. J. age 62 b. GA d. April 5, 1910 Hyatt, TN (pneumonia) #69215
AMMONS, Milton age 9 months. b. Copperhill, TN d. October 27, 1909 #69213
ARWOOD, H. R. age 28, b. GA d. Feb. 21, 1911 Probst, TN (heart trouble) # 69177
BAIN, Elizabeth age 87 b. NC d. Nov. 13, 1908 (paralysis) # 69270
BAIN, Hulda Evaline age 39 b. Polk Co, TN, d. Dec. 24, 1908 (consumption) #69271
BARKER, Ray age 2 yrs 6 mos b. Polk Co., TN d. June 30, 1912 Parksville (diarrhear) #69130
BATES, G. M. (male)age 81 b. Polk Co., TN d. Feb. 14, 1912 Dist 3 (heart trouble) #69051
BATES, May age 3 yrs. b. Copperhill, TN d. May 31, 1912 (indigestion) #69140
BEAVERS, Ida age 23, b. Cherokee Co., NC d. April 15, 1910 (tuberculosis) #63284
BLACK, Luther age 1 b. Farner, TN d. March 29, 1909 (whofing cough) #69191
BLANKINSHIP, Drew age 45 b. TN died November 23, 1911 in 4th District (fever) #69064
BOKAISH, John age 46 b. So. Ger. d. April 27, 1909, (Burra Burra mine accident) #69235
BOSSINE, Lizzie age 85 b. Monroe Co. TN d. December 10, 1908 (old age) #69279
BRACKETT, Addie age 2 years b. Polk Co. TN d. March 13, 1909 #69241
BRAMLETT, Henry age 16 b. Ellijay, GA d. May 1910 (pneumonia) #69209
BRO---SON, S. age 27 b. NC d. April 27 1909 (Burra Burra mine accident) #69234
BRYSON, William age 1 year b. Farner, TN d. December 21, 1908 Dist. 7 # 69194
BROWN, Locksley age 6 years. b. GA d. July 16, 1909 (typhoid - gangrene) #69221
BUMGARNER, L.H. age 70 b. NK d. July 29, 1911 in poorhouse (jaunders) # 69142
BURNETT, John age 66, b. NC d. Oct. 29, 1911 Benton (dropsy) #69137
BYRD, John age 10 b. London, GA d. Oct. 15, 1909 (pneumonia) #69187
BYRD, Myrtle age 4 b. Sweet Gum, GA d. Oct. 14, 1908 (pneumonia) #69188
BURCH, B.B. age 62 b. Fannin Co., GA d. May 26, 1909 (cancer) #69246
BURNETT, Paul age 1 yr. b. TN d. Feb. 14, 1911 4t Dist. (pneumonia) #69170
CAMPBELL, Floid age 8 b. 9th Dist Polk co. TN d. Sept. 20, 1908 (scrofula) #69282
CAMPBELL, Vaudie age 3 days b. Sweet Gum, GA d. June 17, 1908 #69182
CARSON, Alice age 38 b. Polk Co., TN d. July 11, 1910 in Ocoee (catarah) #69106
CARSON, Iva age 15 b. Ocoee, TN d. Feb. 18, 1911 (scrofula) #69107
CARTER, female age 3yr 1mo 7days b. Old Patty, Polk Co., TN d. Dec. 22, 1911 (croup) #69155
CARTER, Mrs. J. B. age 25 b. GA, d. Oct. 9, 1909 Copperhill, TN (stomach tr.) #69200
CARVER. Jennie age 18 months b. Benton, TN d. April 29, 1909 (flucks) #69247
CENTER, Mollie age 43 b. McMinn Co. TN d. March 26, 1910 (consumption) #69287
CHATTERTON, Mrs. age 90 b. OH d. March 3, 1909 (old age) #69239
CHEEK, M. J. age 64 (female) b. Polk Co.,TN d. Sept. 12, 1911 in 3rd Dist. (consumption) #69052
CHRISTIAN, Almaria age 73 d. June 22, 1909 b. Hawking Co, TN (liver & kidney) #69255
CLAYTON, N.A. age 1 mo. 10 days b. Polk Co., TN d. August 11, 1910 (croup) #69112
COPELAND, Jane age 79 b. McMinn Co., TN d. April 9, 1912 Ocoee (angina pectoris) #69127
CORN, Ivy Lee age 2y 15da b. Prendergast, TN d. June 15, 1912 (bowel trouble) #69156
CRONAN, Rassy age 4 months b. Copperhill, TN d. March 10, 1910 (measles) #69205
CROX, Ella Sue age 17 months b. Benton, TN d. April 7, 112 (meningitis) #69143
CROX, H. A. age 76 b. Philadelphia, PA d. May 30, 1912 (general brake down) #69144
CRUMNEY, Jesse age 20, b. Murray Co., GA d. Mar. 18, 1911 Parksville (rock crusher)69103
CRUMNEY, Thomas age 42 b. James Co., TN d. Mar. 3, 1911 Parksville (meningitis)#69102
CULBERSON, Alice age 35 b. Isabella, TN d. April 8, 1912 (pneumonia) #69026
CULPEPPER, Carle age 3 b. McMinn co. TN d. Jan. 25, 1909 (croup) #69276
DAGO, UK age abt. 30 b. Italy d. Jan 1911 Parksville (hanged himself) #69098
DANIEL, Fannie age 24 b. TN d. January 23, 1910 (pneumonia) #69214
DAVENPORT, Harley age 20 days b. Polk co., TN d. June 9, 1912 in 3rd Dist (hives) $69053
DAVIS, Mrs. W. P. age 40 b. Ducktown, TN d. May 26, 1909 (liver cancer) #69198
DEAN, Otas age 19 b. Blount Co., d. March 19, 1912 Prendergast (catarah) #69159
DILBECK, No Name age 72 hours b. Copperhill, Polk Co., TN d. June 10, 1910 #69216
DILL, Elsey age 19, b. Bradley Co., TN d. Nov. 15, 1911 (heart failure) #69104
DILLINGHAM, Mary age 48 b. GA d. Feb. 10, 1911 3rd dist. (croup) #69124
DOCKERY, Clyde age 3 mos. b. TN d. December 22, 1909 Hiwassee #69212
DONALDSON, Homer age 4 months 28 da. b. Isabella, TN d June 22, 1909 (acute ind.) #69236
DONALDSON, Hoyalt age 4 months b Isabella, TN d. May 28, 1909 (acute indigestion) #69237
DUGGAN, Eloie May age 3 weeks b. Farner, TN d. March 14, 1908 #69195
DUNN, Susan age 62 b. Bledsoe So. TN d. January 9, 1909 (consumption) #69273
EARLY, No Name age 16 days b. Staffordtown, TN d. May 10, 1910 (boll hives) #69218
EARWOOD, Grace age 3 months b. Copperhill, TN d. Aug. 30, 1911 (menningitis) #69163
EDMISON, Elick age 3 months b. Mingo Co., W VA d. Sept. 11, 1910 (brane fever) #69123
EDWARD, Grady age 15years months b. Clay Co., NC d. May 16, 1911 (siatic rheum.) #69125
ELECTRICIAN, UK abt 35 d. March 1912 at Parksville (killed by electric current) #69133
FIFE, Matiline age didn't know, b. NK, d. August 18, 1908 (old age) #69253
FREEMAN, Pearl age 4 months b. Polk Co., TN d. Dec. 14, 1911in Dist. 3 (hives) #69114
GARRET, John age 39 b. NK d. March 24, 1912 Benton, TN (Tuberculosis) #69132
GOFF, no name age 15 minutes b. Staffordtown, Polk Co.,TN d. September 25, 1909 #69219
GOFF, Thomas age 1day b. Staffordtown, TN d. Sept, 3, 1911 #69167
GOFORTH, D. B. age 76 b. Hamilton Co., TN d. March 8, 1911 (pneumonia) #69117
GOFORTH, N. P. age 36 b. Polk Co., TN d May 1, 1912I in 3rd Dist. (consumption) #69045
GREEN Danie age 42 b. Polk Co. TN d Jan.26, 1909 (convulsion) # 69256
GROOMS, Inf. of P. G. Grooms age 12 days b. Conasauga, TN d. June 12, 1909 #69240
GUDE, George C. age 3 weeks b. Ducktown, TN d. July 20, 1909 (indigestion) #69185
GUINN, Cornelia P. age 84 yrs. 5mos b. Monroe Co., TN d. Feb.28, 1912 (pneumonia) #69139
GULLEDGE, Joe age 40 b. TN d October 26, 1911 in 4th District (fever) #69065
GULLEDGE, Pearlie age 2 years b. TN d. December 3, 1911 (croup) #69172
GURLEY, Fletcher age 3 year. 4 months b. Polk Co., TN d. Dec. 21, 1908 (minigittis) #69199
HALL, Bill age 49 b. TN d. May 29, 1912 in 4th district (heart failure) #69062
HARPER, George age 34 b. Bradley Co., TN d. July 16, 1911 (shot) #69146
HARRISON, Mary age 64 b. Polk Co. TN d. March 29, 1909 (pneumonia) #69281
HEADEN, Eva age 3 years b. Murphy, NC d. Feb. 28, 1909 Chanceytown (typhoid) #69183
HELTON, Joe age 60 b. Polk Co., TN d. July 13, 1909 (overheating) #69286)
HENEGAR, Martha (Black) age 52 b. Polk Co., TN d. June 1912 Prendergast (paralises) #69151
HOOPER, Mandy age 93 b. NK d. May 1909 in 6th Dist. (old age) #69197
HOWARD, Isabell age 22 b. Ocoee, TN d. January 19, 1911in Ocoee (miscarriage) #69082
HUNTER, Caroline age 68 b. Haysville, NC d. Feb. 28, 1909 (ovary tumor) #69186
HUTCHINS, Joe E. age 33 b. Polk Co., TN d. Oct. 25, 1910 Benton (consumption) #69099
JENKINS, Minnie age 22, b. Benton, Polk Co. d. Dec. 28, 1908 (milk lage) #69254
JOHNSON, Martha Ann age 69 b. Sevier Co., TN d Nov. ? 1908 (heart failure) #69266
KILPATRICK, Sarah Jane age 66 (?) b. NK d. September 4, 1908 #69196
KIMSEY, Julis age 20 b. Polk Co., TN d. January 19, 1909 (consumption) #69190
KIMSEY, Mrs. H. P. age 74 b. Spartanburg, SC d. Apr. 29, 1909 (pneumonia) #69179
KIMSEY, Mrs. James age 34 b. NC d. December 11, 1911 at Ducktown (appendicitis) #69028
KING, No Name male age newborn, b. Copperhill, TN d. May 15, 1910 #69204
LILLARD, J. N. age 6 days b. Parksville, TN d. Jan. 1, 1912 #69131
LONG, M. A. age 28 (widower) b. GA d. March 18, 1912 Ducktown (caught in elevator) #69025
LONG, No Name stillborn b. Ocoee, TN d. May 1, 1911 #69100
LOVINGOOD, Nancy age 53 b. Cherokee Co., NC d. Oct. 16, 1911 at Patty #69154
LOWERY, Joe age 26 . b. GA d. Feb. 10, 1911 Parksville (boiler explosion) #69109
LYLES, Tilda 4 years b. TN d. May 9, 1911 (measles) #69171
MANLEY, ? age 19 months b. TN d. June 20, 1909 (brane fever) #69243
MANTOOTH, D. H. age 74 b. Meigs Co., TN d. Oct. 13, 1910 Ocoee (colic) #69105
MANTOOTH, Thomas age 33 b. Polk Co., TN d. May 11, 1911 Ocoee (consumption)#69076
McFARLAND, No Name age 20 minutes b. Staffordtown, TN d. June 24, 1910 #69217
McLAIN, Thomas age 70 b. NK d. March 20, 1909 (heart disease) # 60268
McCLARY, Bery Odell, age 3, b. Polk Co. TN d. Aug. 30, 1908 (NK) #69272
McCLURE, Tommy age 2 years 10 months b. Benton, TN d. March 11, 1912 (measles) #69152
McGHEE, Clay age 1yr 7 mos. b. Polk Co., TN d. Sept.1908 (information of brain) #69198
McJUNKIN, Caroline age NK b. Polk Co., N d. April 1912 Farner (paralysis) #69136
McKissack, Minnie age 38 b. Polk Co., TN d. December 19, 1911 Parksville (TB) #69128
McQUEEN, Dora age 1year b. Murray Co., GA d. Dec.1, 1910 Chable (meningitis) #69174
MELTON, Bart age 17 b. Polk Co., TN d. August 2, 1911 Prendergast (typhoid) #69162
MERRIETT, Will age 25 b. Macon Co., NC d. Feb. 3, 1912 Austrell (falling rock) #69149
MILLS, No Name female infant b. Copperhill, TN d. September 14, 1909 #69203
MIOLAN, Fred age 9 days b. Cole Town, TN d. May 19, 1912 (yellow saunders) #69165
MOATS, Bessie age 35 . Murray Co., GA d. August 23, 1911 (consumption) #69158
MOORE, Gertrude age 18 b. TN d. January 10, 1912 (consumption) #69063
MOOREHOUSE, John Henry age 2 months b. Benton, TN d. June 1912 (hives) #69147
MORGAN, Clinton David age 7 weeks b. Servilla, TN d. Aug. 25, 191 (hives) # 69176
MORGAN, Foley age 35 b. Fannin Co., GA d. Sept 1, 1908 (consumption) # 69261
MULLINS, Ralph, age 4 months. b. Parksville, TN d. June 15, 1911 (brain fever) #69101
NEGRO, UK age abt. 30 b. GA d. Aug. 1911 Parksville (killed by crusher wheel) #69134
NEWTON, Rebecka age 78 b. SC d. Aug. 13, 1910 Dist. 3, (fever) #69113
NORDIN, G. F. age 2 weeks b. Copperhill, TN d January 22, 1910 #69206
NORTEN, Martha age 49 b. Blount, Co., TN d. November 12, 1911 #69145
NORWOOD, Sally age 29 b. Monroe Co., TN d. August 29, 1910 (milk sick) #69126
NICKELS, Robert age 1year b. TN d May 5, 1911 4th Dist. (pneumonia) #69173
OWENSBY, Mrs. age 74 b. NC d December 20, 1911in Ducktown (pneumonia) #69042
PACE. No Name age 2 weeks. b. Staffordtown, Polk Co., TN d. November 1909 #69220
PAIN, Sallie age 27 b McMinn d. April 30, 1909 (fever) #69278
PAINTER, Sis Mame age 1 day b. Polk Co., TN d. May 13, 1909 (NK) #69277
PATTERSON, Ester age 2 yrs, 17days b. Oasis, GA d. Mar. 31, 1908 (whooping cough) #69180
PATTERSON, Richard age 5 mos. 15days b. Oasis, GA d. Mar.30, 1908 (whooping cough) #69181
PAYNE, Poley age 1 months b. Ducktown, TN d. May 29, 1909 (NK) # 69249
PAYNE, ROXIE age 15 b. NC d. June 29, 1909 (expouser) # 69248
PERIAN, Isaac age 35 b. TN d. Dec. 16, 1910 Reliance ,TN (fell off RR tressell) #69178
PIPPENGER, Isaac age 64 b Polk Co., TN d. January 28, 1909 (paralysis) # 69264
POE, Ozro age 21 b. Mineral Bluff, GA d. May 21, 1910 (run over by train) #69211
PRESSWOOD, Denisis age 74 b. Monroe Co. TN d. March 26, 1909 (paralias) #69257
PRESSWOOD, Francis age 71 b. NK d. Nov. 30, 1910 Reliance, TN (typhoid) #69175
PRICE, Fletcher age 3 years b. Fannin Co., GA d. Nov. 20, 1911 in Fannin Co.(croup) #69118
RAY, Thomas age 66 b. Monroe Co., TN d. August 6, 1908 (consumption) #69283
REYNOLDS, Waneta age 2 months b. Copperhill, TN d. May 18, 1910 (stomach tr.) #69208
REED, Sarrah. age 57 (?) b. Sevier County TN d. June 15, 1910 (stomach trouble) #69285
ROGERS, Licie age 32 b. Polk Co. TN d. May 11, 1909 (heart trouble) # 69252
ROGERS, Susan J. age 76 b. NK d. March 16, 1909 (pneumonia) # 69269
ROSE, Beulah age 15 days b. TN d. May 15, 1909 #69242
RUSH, Madline age 60 b. TN d. May 27, 1912 in District 4 (consumption) #69061
RYMER, Hattie age 16, b. Ducktown, Tn d. April 3, 1910 (pneumonia) #69202
RYMER, Joe age NK b. Benton, TN d. December 17, 1909 (paralacis) # 69251
RYMER, Lana age 2 months b. Polk Co., TN d. December 11, 1910 (hives) #69122
RYMER, Melvin stillborn b. Benton, TN d. April 22, 1912 #69138
RUNNIONS, E. F. age 37 b. Polk Co., TN d. Mar. 8, 1911 in Dist. 3 (dropsy) #69120
RUNNIONS, Stuart age 75 b. Polk Co., TN d. July 29, 1911 poorhouse (bile attack) #69141
SHADWICK, Will age 35 b. AL d. Feb. 10, 1911 at Parksville (boiler explosion) #69111
SHELTON, John age 24, b. Polk Co., TN d. Feb. 10, 1911 Parksville (boiler explosion) #69110
SIMONDS, Posey age 33, b. NC d December 11, 1911 Burra Mine Ducktown (falling) #69043
SMITH, A. J. age 19 b. GA d. April 26, 1909 (pneumonia fever) #69280
SPEARMAN, Gordon age 6 weeks b. Prendergast, TN d. Nov. 14, 1911 #69153
STIMEY, Mary Lee age 1 year 7 months b. Polk Co., TN d May 18, 1909 (bowel trouble) #69275
STOLVER, Febie age 44 b. Fannin Co., GA d. Nov 24, 1911 at Hyatt (cancer) #69164
STONE, Abie 8 months b. Benton, TN d. Jan. 9, 1909 (ruptured) # 69259
STUART, Lizzie age 69 b. NK d. June 22, 1909 Farner, TN (dropsy) #69192
STUART, Susie age 40 b. Polk Co., TN d. December 21,1908 (heart failure) #69193
SULLIVAN, Aonsed age 30 b. Lula, GA d. July 25, 1909 (accident) #69238
TANNER, Edith age 17 months b. Copperhill, TN d. March 29, 1910 (croup) #69210
TAYLOR, Hazle 11-26 days b. Austrell, (Polk Co)TN d. Nov 30, 1908 (mentigice) # 69260
TAYLOR, J. E. age 66 b. Polk Co. TN d. June 16, 1909 (diabetes) # 69250
TEAGUE, Mrs. Joe age 35 b. NC d. March 1910 Copperhill, TN (pneumonia) #69210
TRENTHAM, May age 2 years b. Cherokee Co., NC d. August 1911 Farner (blood poison) #69135
WALDROP, Billie age 63 b. Polk Co., TN d. Mar. 23, 1912 Prendergast (pralsey) #69161
WALLER, T. B. age 59 b. Polk Co., TN d. May 17, 1912 (dropsy) #69157
WATKINS, Grover Williard age 24 days b. Bradley Co., TN d. May 24, 1909 (NK) # 69265
WATSON, Annie age 2 years b. Polk Co,, TN d. Feb. 7, 1911 (bronchitis) #69121
WEEKS, John age 4 years b. Polk Co., TN d. Nov. 12, 1910 in Dist. 3 (paralases) #69119
WEESE, Thomas age 25, b. Epworth, GA d. Aug. 15, 1911 Isabella (mine accident) #69169
WEST, Etta Caroline age 15 months b. Polk Co. TN d. June 10, 1909 (whooping cough #69274
WEST, Sarah age 84 b. NC d. Jan. 9, 1911 in Dist. 3 (pneumonia) #69116
WHITE, Burch Biggs age 11 mos. b. Benton, TN d. November 19, 1909 # 69245
WILLIAMS, Oscar age 6 weeks b. Ducktown, TN d Dec. 25, 1908 (hives) #69184
WILLIAMS, Woods age 35. b. Bradley Co., TN d. Feb. 10, 1911 Parksville (boiler exp.) #69108
WILSON, Dovey May age 14 days b. Polk Co. TN d. June 8, 1909 (NK) # 69267
WITT, Mary M. age 76 b. Polk Co., TN d. January 4, 1912 (parallesses) #69148
WOOLF, Lillian Nadeen age 10 months b. Prendergast, TN d. July 15, 1911 #69160